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Major fx rates :
1 EUR=1.0847 USD
1 EUR=162.75 JPY
1 EUR=0.8317 GBP
1 USD=150.04 JPY
1 USD=0.8667 CHF
1 GBP=1.3043 USD
1 USD=1.3792 CAD
1 USD=1.4903 AUD
1 EUR=0.9401 CHF
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Rates on 20 October 2024
Major historical exchange rates comparison:
Base currency :EUR / USD, GBP, JPY, CHF3 months1 year5 years10 yearssince 1990All
Base currency :USD / EUR, GBP, JPY, CHF3 months1 year5 years10 yearssince 1990All
Base currency :EUR / GBP, SEK, CHF, DKK3 months1 year5 years10 yearssince 1990All
Base currency :USD / EUR, CAD, MXN, BRL, CLP3 months1 year5 years10 yearssince 1990All
Base currency :USD / EUR, JPY, CNY, NTD, AUD, SGD3 months1 year5 years10 yearssince 1990All
Base currency :XAU / USD, EUR, CHF, GBP, JPY3 months1 year5 years10 yearssince 1990All
Consumer Price Index / USDi, EURi, CHFi, GBPi, JPYi3 months1 year5 years10 yearssince 1990All
Consumer Price Index / EURi, DEMi, GBPi, FRFi, CHFi, ITLi, SEKi3 months1 year5 years10 yearssince 1990All
Base currency :XAU / USDi, EURi, CHFi, GBPi, JPYi3 months1 year5 years10 yearssince 1990All
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