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Major fx rates :
1 EUR=1.0853 USD
1 EUR=162.79 JPY
1 EUR=0.8332 GBP
1 USD=150 JPY
1 USD=0.8643 CHF
1 GBP=1.3026 USD
1 USD=1.3819 CAD
1 USD=1.4954 AUD
1 EUR=0.938 CHF
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Rates on 21 October 2024
Currency pocket guide
To see equivalence between 2 currencies, fill in the following fields and click Go!
1st currency :
2nd currency :

Result :
on 21 October 2024
100 XAU-Gold gram=12 131 655 KRW-South Korea1 XAU=121 316.554669 KRW
100 KRW-South Korea=0 XAU-Gold gram1 KRW=08.0E-6 XAU
Equivalence sheet between 2 currencies
0.011 213
0.011 213
0.011 213
0.022 426
0.022 426
0.022 426
0.033 639
0.033 639
0.044 853
0.056 066
0.067 279
0.078 492
0.089 705
0.0910 918
0.112 132
0.1113 345
0.1214 558
0.1518 197
0.1720 624
0.224 263
0.2530 329
0.336 395
0.448 527
0.560 658
0.672 790
0.784 922
0.897 053
0.9109 185
1121 317
1.1133 448
1.2145 580
1.5181 975
1.7206 238
2242 633
2.5303 291
3363 950
4485 266
5606 583
6727 899
7849 216
8970 532
91 091 849
101 213 166
111 334 482
121 455 799
151 819 748
172 062 381
202 426 331
253 032 914
303 639 497
404 852 662
506 065 828
607 278 993
708 492 159
809 705 324
9010 918 490
1 0000.01
1 1000.01
1 2000.01
1 5000.01
1 7000.01
2 0000.02
2 5000.02
3 0000.02
4 0000.03
5 0000.04
6 0000.05
7 0000.06
8 0000.07
9 0000.07
10 0000.08
11 0000.09
12 0000.1
15 0000.12
17 0000.14
20 0000.16
25 0000.21
30 0000.25
40 0000.33
50 0000.41
60 0000.49
70 0000.58
80 0000.66
90 0000.74
100 0000.82
110 0000.91
120 0000.99
150 0001.24
170 0001.4
200 0001.65
250 0002.06
300 0002.47
400 0003.3
500 0004.12
600 0004.95
700 0005.77
800 0006.59
900 0007.42

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Note :
For Gold, Silver, platinum and Palladium, rates and amounts are expressed in grams (1 ounce=31.103 g).
Rates from European Central Bank on 21 October 2024.

Quick links for currency pocket guide :
Pocket guide for EUR/USD
Pocket guide for EUR/GBP
Pocket guide for EUR/JPY
Pocket guide for USD/JPY
Pocket guide for USD/CHF
Pocket guide for GBP/USD
Pocket guide for USD/CAD
Pocket guide for USD/AUD
Pocket guide for EUR/CHF